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“There are no disasters in business that you can’t avoid if you see them coming and make the adjustments.” – Boune T. Pickens. Jr.

The above quote mirrors the essence of development plans.

Development Planning is a Strategic Planning process that identifies / evaluates opportunities, and enables the optimal selection of the best course of action to follow.

We start by establishing the facts from the relevant stakeholders, customer profiles, competitor, industry and environmental analyses, and internal assessments.

Once done, we carry out a SWOT analysis on external opportunities and threats, and an internal analysis on the organisations strengths and weaknesses.

A holistic assessment is subsequently undertaken to create the big picture: what do stakeholders want? How do these affect the organisations ability to exploit opportunities and manage threats?  How do the organisation’s strength and weakness affect its ability to position itself in the short and long term?

As fourth step, we create a strategic matrix to cover:  Stakeholder Needs /Influence Map, Strategic Options Matrix for Opportunities vs Strengths, Opportunities vs Weaknesses, Threats vs Weaknesses and Threats vs Strengths.

Once the Strategic Matrix is done, we narrow down on the strategy for implementation. We define Strategies, Objectives, Short & Long term Goals and Operational Plan.

The last step in our development planning methodology is to finalize all secondary reviews and ensure alignment. This will require: Final Reviews & Alignments, Stakeholder Feedback & Alignment, Strategic Response Reviews & Alignment, Goals Review, Operational Plans Review, and Alignment & Sign-offs.

Why not speak with one of our consultants to discuss how we can help you plan the roll out of your project.


Benjamin Gii

For: Leitung Gate Ltd

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