+234 80-21225161, +234-90-16236194

Technical Feasibility Studies & Project Development Planning

With our TECHNICAL business case and feasibility consultancy support, you can appropriately evaluate expansionary plans and other investment decisions with the goal of reducing your exposure and optimizing your returns.

We rely on financial modeling tools, comprehensive market intelligence, and industry data to develop business case assessments.

Our feasibility studies and project development planning cover:

  • Pre-Financial Close Asset Due DiligenceReviews: technical, commercial/economic, and operational performance
  • Post Financial CloseAsset Monitoring – Periodic contract compliance assessments, and operational performance assessments
  • Environmental Impact / Post Impact Assessment Studies – any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, resulting from a facility’s activities
  • 360oanalysis of markets and situations: demand–supply balances, market survey based on primary research, end-use sector analysis, price trends & projections through own proprietary modules,
  • Logistical analysis, cost of production, margin analysis,technology scan & licensor analysis, material balance, basic engineering,
  • Third-party technical review of feasibility reports prepared by owners,
  • Customer identification & profiling, customer satisfaction survey etc,
  • Site selection studies and economic feasibility studies including projects cost profiling,cash flow analysis, break-even analysis, rates of returns,