+234 80-21225161, +234-90-16236194

Our Services

Conformance Auditing /Asset Integrity Assurance Services

Our technical conformance inspections and auditing services are effective solutions for objectively selecting, evaluating, and re-evaluating assets based on the ability of the assets and their operating environments to conform to physical specifications, performance, client and regulatory requirements.

Performance Management & Certification Consulting Services

Designing and implementing certified risk-based management systems that conform with international best practice standards) is a core competence. We use these strategic tools and guidelines to help organisations tackle some of the most demanding challenges of modern businesses.

Technical Feasibility Studies & Project Development Planning

With our TECHNICAL business case and feasibility consultancy support, you can appropriately evaluate expansionary plans and other investment decisions with the goal of reducing your exposure and optimizing your returns. We rely on financial modeling tools, comprehensive market intelligence, and industry data to develop…

Risk Management Consulting Service

Our comprehensive risk management services will assure your organisation’s full compliance with international enterprise risk assessment principles and standards, as applicable to your operating industry. We provide Risk Management Planning, Risk Identification (HAZID Studies), Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Analyses…

Personnel Training & Certification

We understand business success & sustainability start with people. Consequently, a core focus for us is the capacity development of your human capital. Our courses and proficiency certifications cover a broad range of engineering, technical, and management disciplines. They provide structured learning programmes to fit established adult…

Environmental impact and post-impact assessment services

Our environmental and social impact/post-impact assessment services cut across the evaluation and management of potential or actual environmental and social impacts resulting from a wide range of human activities, such as construction, mining, oil and gas exploration, and transportation. Our assessments include…

Enterprise Resources Planning Solutions Deployment

Our Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions (ERPs) are modular applications used as online and/or offline tools to document, measure, analyse, and control the resources and processes within an organisation. The solution serves as a platform for quantitatively assessing process performance, while simultaneously ensuring tightly…